Qigong and 8-Step Taiji
Qigong is a form of gentle exercise composed of movements that are repeated a number of times, often stretching the body, increasing fluid movement, and building awareness of how the body moves through space.
8-Step taiji is a beginner form that uses synchronized movement to increase balance, mental clarity, and internal calmness.
In this DVD you will learn the wonderfully relaxing, and healthful Curved Stroking Qigong form, plus the traditional Yang Family Style Standardized 8-Step Taiji Form.
Video Sample Coming ..
NOTE: If you come to Del’s local classes, he has them, and you can purchase from him directly. If you wish to order in bulk, he will sell them to you at a discount (based on the amount you wish to purchase). Contact him to work out the details: (330) 299-8054

90 Minutes Of Instruction